Tuesday, 19 February 2013

The Growing Popularity of Lasting Powers of Attorney

We are seeing an unprecedented demand for LPAs from existing and new clients. Many are also being registered with the Court straight away so all the legalities are sorted out to avoid delays later. Private Client partner Mark Francis puts this down to increasing media interest and general awareness of the risk of loss of capacity in later years. “We all know about the importance of making a will but more and more people are asking me to draw up LPAs to ensure their trusted family and friends can look after financial and healthcare needs if they become unwell” commented Mark.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Compensation in the Employment Tribunals – a new limit

Every year the limit for compensation awards in the tribunal is reviewed, usually increasing. From 1 February 2013 the maximum compensatory award for unfair dismissal will rise from £72,300 to £74,200.

This sounds like (and indeed is) a lot of money. However, this large figure probably gives the wrong idea to both Claimants and employers defending claims. Claimants see this figure and often have unrealistic expectations of what can be achieved in Tribunal. Equally employers are often very concerned that if they receive a claim they will end up paying a huge amount in compensation to the employee if they lose.